All posts filed under: Miscellaneous

ICCM 40 – International Committee on the Conservation of Mosaics

Last week I attended an international conference on the conservation of mosaics in Barcelona. The organization that takes care of this cultural heritage is called ICCM – International Committee for Conservation of Mosaics. Every three years they are organizing a conference where specialists in mosaic conservation and policy makers in cultural heritage from all countries with a roman mosaic history are coming together to exchange their knowledge and expertise. This year it was the 40st anniversary of the organization. They achieved that the whole field now is working after certain standards in the conservation of ancient mosaics, that the group of conservators know of each other and can exchange experiences and that knowledge in the field was passed on and further developed in North African and middle eastern countries. In terms of numbers this Barcelona Conference clearly ranks well:  with  255 participants, while contributors from 35 countries shared their work through 48 paper presentations, 59 posters and 15 videos. Each of these overall achievements represents many communal and personal successes. The sessions dedicated to modern …

Um Bonde para Santa Teresa 2

My friend Anna van der Heijden and I were part of this incredible community event “Um Bonde para Santa Teresa” in Rio de Janeiro last Saturday, Aug 26. We were most impressed how the event went in true community spirit. The artist who inspired the project Andrea Aires Imbiriba after giving an impressive speech about the spirit of community art, kept in the background and everybody who was willing could mix cement, climb the scaffold and glue a mosaic on the wall, get water for cleaning the mosaic, dance or just watch. Please enjoy a glimpse of the spirit in the video, please click on the link below! Um Bonde para Santa Teresa – video by Gertrud Muller Aug 26 2017 also watch this film in Portuguese about the first part of the project Um Bonde para Santa Teresa – primeira etapa Feb 04 2017

Um Bonde para Santa Teresa

Tomorrow, August 25,  these 4 mosaics will travel together with me and Anna from Brasilia to Rio de Janeiro. On Saturday, 26 August, they will be installed with 96 of similar tram mosaic designs from various mosaic enthusiasts from all over Brazil and South America in a wall along the closed down tracks of the tram that is a land mark of the old part of town Santa Tereza in Rio de Janeiro. This community mosaic got inspired by Andréa Aires Imbiriba, a mosaic artist from Rio de Janeiro. When the first 100 mosaics got installed in February 2017 it found such great response that a second phase was agreed. My studio “mosaic moments” is participating with 4 bondinhos.