Tomorrow, August 25, these 4 mosaics will travel together with me and Anna from Brasilia to Rio de Janeiro. On Saturday, 26 August, they will be installed with 96 of similar tram mosaic designs from various mosaic enthusiasts from all over Brazil and South America in a wall along the closed down tracks of the tram that is a land mark of the old part of town Santa Tereza in Rio de Janeiro. This community mosaic got inspired by Andréa Aires Imbiriba, a mosaic artist from Rio de Janeiro. When the first 100 mosaics got installed in February 2017 it found such great response that a second phase was agreed. My studio “mosaic moments” is participating with 4 bondinhos.

first phase of mosaic mural “um bonde para Santa Teresa” 100 mosaics by various artists and friends, installed on Feb 4 2017

4 mosaic bondinhos from mosaic moments studio Brasilia will be installed in Saturday Aug 26, 2017 in Rio de Janeiro designs by Gertrud Müller, Anna van der Heyden, Judy Wolf and Emma Villedrouin

this Athos Bulcão wall design from the building of the national congress in Brasilia gave the inspiration of my design of the bondinho