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Refugee Community Mosaic project awarded

It was amazing: When I got the audio file with a music from Shalan Alhamwy that originally was not composed for the film, putting it into I Movie it immediately fitted the scenes on the images. As if the music was composed especially for this video. 

In August to my surprise the video got selected to be shown at the conference in Barcelona amongst 15 videos about mosaic heritage conservation. This was the decisive moment for me to by my ticket to Barcelona to take part in the conference on mosaic heritage preservation. (13th ICCM conference Barcelona 2017)

A lot of positive comments from the 250 participants from 35 countries reached me during this week 15-20. Oct 2017.

At the end of the conference the video was recognized with the “coup de coeur” prize.

Seeing the film on a big screen in the auditorium was amazing. 

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